
Karta över Rallarvegen
copyright © Henrik Sahlström

Rallarvegen photo

Rallarvegen is an old construction road from the end of last century when the railroad between Oslo and Bergen was built. The most popular part to bike is the one between Haugastøl (990 m) and Flåm (2 m) by way of Finse which is Norway´s highest situated railway station (1222 meter above sea level). The total distance of this trip is approximately 90 km. Of this the first 35 is more or less easy uphill and the rest, circa 50 km of marvellous downhill. In some places you speed down in 45-55 km/h. Some times though, the rain have washed away all the fine material of the road and when you approach such an area in 50 km/h there is just to send a prayer, close your eyes and hope for the best

Henrik in stone rough track
The track is mainly easy to bike but there are a few tricky spots...

Snow on track Kanyon
In the higher parts near Finse there are plenty of snow spots even in the middle of July. At Klevagjelet the road climbs at the edge of a small canyon. One mistake and it is the last thing you do in life...

The Flåm valley starts with a step serpentine road with 21 curves. After the serpentine road it is a dirt road where you can hold a very high speed. Watch up for cars here! To Flåm it is now a speedy eufourisk marvellous feeling, all the way. It is hard to take it a little slower to have time to look at the beautiful surroundings.

Flåmvalley Henrik on bridge in the flåmvalley
The Flåm valley Old bridge in the Flåm valley

The valley is extremely beautiful. Norway at its best! The last kilometres before the Flåm village is asphalt which means that you can bike even faster in the curves.

From Flåm you take the train on a spectacular trip back to Myrdal where you change trains and take one to Haugastøl.


Sognefjord at Flåm

Some hints and phone numbers:

You can stay overnight at Finse hotel where you have everything you need. There is also a cottage at Hallingskeid if you have a sleeping bag or linen. A couple of km after Hallingskeid there is a beautiful lake with good camping grounds. Vatnahalsen is another hotel with rather good prices. It is situated just before you enter the Flåm valley.

On the high altitude there are snow even in July. Bike as late as you can. A nice time is September with all the colours.

A mountainbike is recommended even though you can manage with an ordinary bike but if you want more fun.

One suggestion is to start at Flåm and take the train to Finse. Bike from Finse down to Flåm which is the best part and easily done in a day. By this way you don’t need to bring so much luggage and you have more fun when you are biking.

Info for Rallarvegen, Turistinformation, Geilo: +47-32 09 13 00

Train travel: +47-815 00 888

Finse 1222, mountain hotel: +47-56 52 67 11

Vatnahalsen, mountain hotel: +47-57 63 37 22

Heimly Pensjonat, Flåm: +47-57 63 23 00

DNT, Norway tourist society:+47-22 82 28 00

Syklistenes Landsforening in Norway have a page about Rallarvegen

This side was last checked, January 2004

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